JBI EU Symposium and SPIDER multiplier event

On June 24 JBI Spain will be pleased to host the JBI European Symposium, from 9 am to 2 pm (GMT+2). It will also integrate the Multiplier Event of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in Innovation and Development of Evidence-Based Healthcare (SPIDER) project.
The objective of the symposium will be to promote the dissemination of the results of evidence-based practice, as consequence of the activities developed in the JBI Collaboration (JBIC). In accordance with this objective, the event of the Erasmus+ EU SPIDER project will be conducted in parallel, in which the protocols and implementation reports developed in the project will be presented.
The conference is open to researchers, methodologists, teachers, students, health professionals, managers and the general public interested in evidence-based practice.
It will be held virtually and free, and to attend it is necessary to register through this link: https://jbieu21.com/
You can check the program here.